June 9th

Zirgu Pasts | 19:00

Francisco Camacho | "Our Lady of Flowers" | Portugal

Opening of the Festival

June 10th

Zirgu Pasts | 19:00

Joana von Mayer Trindade & Hugo Calhim Cristóvão | "Sweats Of Honey and Death Will Have No Dominion" | Portugal

Digital Art House | 21:00

Sammy Chien & Caroline MacCaull | “Inner Sublimity” | Canada

June 11th

Zirgu Pasts | 19:00

Juko Kominami | “Iwa-kagami” | Portugal  &                    Gitanjali Rao short-movie “Printed Rainbow” | India


Presentation of the Portuguese dance artists & post-performance discussion

June 12th


16:00 | Free stage. Latvian dance artists

19:00 | Tchina Nddjida | “Cross” | Cameroon

20:00 | Ksenia Simanova | “Is the Time Still Here?” | Latvia

21.00 | Music and Dance JAM with bass Stanislav Judin & Bm/C

June 13th

in Stāmeriena Palace  | 18:00

Masterclasses | Olga Žitluhina | Joana von Mayer Trindade & Hugo Calhim Cristovao

In Riga, Ģertrūde Street Theatre |  19:00

Rūta Pūce | "Entrails" | Latvia

June 14th

Stāmeriena Palace & the Park | 19:00

TOGETHERNESS | participating – choreographers and dancers Joana von Mayer Trindade & Hugo Calhim Cristovao, Juko Kominami & Tomass Tello (Portugal), Sammy Chien & Caroline MacCaull (Canada), Olga Žitluhina, LDM7, musician, bass Stanislav Judin (Latvia) etc.

Entrance with a palace visit ticket

June 15th

Stāmeriena Palace & the Park | 19:00

DUETS | participating – choreographers and dancers Arina Buboviča, Ksenija Simanova & Gints Dancītis, Stanislav Judin, Olga Žitluhina, LDM7 (Latvia)

Entrance with a palace visit ticket